An attempt to change the Davis-Bacon Act was made last week in Congress when Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) presented an amendment to H.R. 2810, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. Gosar’s amendment was met with opposition as it proposed to fundamentally change the way prevailing wage is calculated throughout the country. Gosar stated that his amendment would,
[h4]Must pay $53,082.84[/h4] Recently, the Ohio Supreme Court declined jurisdiction in a case the Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. 33 (“Local 33”) brought against Courtad, Inc. By declining jurisdiction, the Ohio Supreme Court effectively affirmed the 2014 decision of the Stark County Court of Common Pleas (the “Court”) that Courtad, Inc. is an intentional violator of Ohio’s Prevailing Wage
Building trades members are out in full force today at the West Virginia State Capitol to rally against recent efforts to attack the rights of working families. This legislative session, Republicans have pushed bills to roll back safety and legal rights for workers and scale back prevailing wage laws that provide fair compensation and employment and training opportunities for the
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