Poker Run

On September 14th, SMART Local 33 Charities hosted the 1st Annual Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 33 Poker Run. Nearly 100 people attended the morning’s festivities, making the Poker Run a great success. Though the Poker Run was a hit, the monumental victory was the $6k+ raised for Camp Mountain Heart. Camp Mountain Heart is a free, week-long camp for children with heart disease and disorders.

Poker Run T-Shirts Are Still Available!

Didn’t make it to the Poker Run, but find yourself wanting a t-shirt? Our Poker Run t-shirts are still available for $15 each at both the Toledo and Cleveland District Halls. All proceeds from the t-shirts go directly to our charity, Camp Mountain Heart!

Poker Run T Shirts

Toledo District Partners with Toledo Walleyes

The Toledo District will once again be partnering with the Toledo Walleye hockey team. This partnership can be reflected in our day-to-day operations as you will notice the Walleye logo on our hardhats. In return, the hockey team will wear our logo on their helmets and salute us by showing the slogan, “We go to work together”, before each game. Our new Local 33 Walleye t-shirts will be available at the Toledo District Hall.

1200px Toledo Walleye Logo.svg


Teddy Bear Toss

Through our partnership with the Walleye, we will be sponsoring a Teddy Bear Toss at the December 7th hockey game. The Teddy Bear Toss raises money to collect teddy bears for children that are in traumatic experiences. During the hockey game, new teddy bears or stuffed animals are tossed onto the ice when the Walleye score their first goal. The teddy bears and stuffed animals are gifted to a child by a first responder. 

For tickets and more information please visit.

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