Check out our gallery! Member John Nesta received his 40-year award and his son Victor Nesta received his 15-year award. 25-year Awards Back row: Business Representative Hank Strahan; award recipient Louis Monczynski; Business Representative Dan Findley; award recipient John Belluardo; Business Manager Tim Miller and Financial Secretary-Treasurer Tom Wiant. Front row: Business Representative Todd Alishusky; award recipients Robert Cartwright, Christopher
Cleveland District poker tournament raised more than $2,300 for W.A.G.S. 4 Kids A Northeast Ohio charity was the real winner in an October charity poker tournament hosted by a Sheet Metal Local 33 District. Held on Oct. 20, the Cleveland District charity poker tournament raised $2,360 to benefit Local 33’s 2018 charity, Working Animals Giving Service for Kids (W.A.G.S. 4
A Cleveland-area sheet metal contractor signatory with Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 was named contractor of the year by the national contractor’s association. At the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association’s 75th Annual Convention, Tom Martin, President of T.H. Martin, Inc. in Cleveland received the top honor as SMACNA Contractor of the Year. Martin has served as the
In late August, more than a dozen elected officials toured the Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 Training Center in Cleveland and took part in a roundtable discussion about energy efficiency and good-paying jobs. Local 33 and the Cleveland chapter of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) hosted the legislators and business leaders at the Local 33 training
For the second year in a row, Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 partnered with their political lobbyist to bring holiday cheer to children at Akron Children’s Hospital. Bobby Ina, Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 and some of Ina’s other clients nearly doubled the number of toys and gift cards donated to Children’s Hospital. This year, they raised over $12,000, as
He is no longer “Donald Trump.” Now people will be referring to him as “President-elect Donald Trump.” Whether you voted for him or not, whether you are happy with the outcome or not, for the good of our members, families and businesses, we have to hope he succeeds and does it in a professional way, because our livelihoods and our
A change has occurred the Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 Annuity Fund. Fund Trustees opted to change the default option to more accurately reflect the current demographics of Local 33. By doing their due diligence and looking at a demographic study, Trustees felt there were better options available to make it easier for members to better plan for retirement. Members
The Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association and the Ohio Board of Regents have reached an agreement geared toward helping apprentices earn their associates degree. The agreement means individuals working as union apprentices can now earn up to 60 percent of the credits they need to graduate with an associate’s degree from an accredited state college, which is a substantial increase
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