Stay Up To Date With The Latest News!

Dear friends and SMART Local 33 members,

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Twitter account @smartlocal33 made just for you! This new platform was made exclusively for Local 33 Sheet Metal Workers as a space to create awareness and help build community within our districts. This account will be used for sharing pertinent information such as district updates, company changes, member recognition, any union-related news, and more! 

Here’s how easy it is to follow: 

  1. Log in to Twitter
  2. Search @smartlocal33
  3. Click the follow button


 We Want To Hear From You!

At SMART Local 33, we aim to inform you of all SMART district and labor-related news. If you have anything you would like us to post about or discuss feel free to reach out through direct message, this includes hot topics, shout-outs, or even a favorite memory! 

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