The holidays are just around the corner, and members of the Akron community – including Sheet Metal Workers, are doing all they can to put a smile on the face of children who will spend their Christmas at Akron Children’s Hospital.
Bobby Ina, managing director of Metropolis Consulting LLC, and lobbyist for Sheet Metal Workers Local 33, with the help of some of his clients – including Local 33 members – donated $6,000 to buy gifts for the children receiving medical care at the hospital.
The Toys “R” Us in Akron opened early to allow Ina, his wife Angela and other volunteers, time to roam the aisles and pick out items listed on the Akron Children’s Hospital wish list before the store opened to the general public. Ina admitted he purchased a number of toys that were not on the list, but looked like something his children would have liked.
The funds raised by community members were stretched even further with a limited time store promotion that gave a $10 gift card for every $75 spent. The gift cards were given to hospital staff, which now have roughly $800 to purchase additional items for their young patients.
Santa Claus and his elves will distribute the gifts on Christmas Eve, when each patient typically receives three or four gifts and a handmade blanket.
The spirit of giving from Ina and members of Local 33 will hopefully allow the children of all ages – from babies to teenagers, to have a better Christmas while they spend the holiday season in the hospital.
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